Criminal Justice Reform Caucus

Audio Video

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Probation & Parole Reform PART 1 OF 2

2019 Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on Probation and Parole Reform, including a discussion of Senate Bill 14 (of YR 2019-2020).

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Probation & Parole Reform PART 2 OF 2

2019 Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on Probation and Parole Reform, including a discussion of Senate Bill 14 (of YR 2019-2020).

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Re-Entry and Re-Integration Programs

Remarks of Senator Camera Bartolotta at a Capitol news conference with other members of the Criminal Justice Reform Caucus to highlight the importance of re-entry and re-integration programs.

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Information and Compensation for Crime Victims (SB 502 of YR 2019-2020)

In 2019, Senator Camera Bartolotta spoke in support of Senate Bill 502 (of YR 2019-2020), legislation that would amend the Crime Victims Act to better provide information and compensation to victims. Specifically, the bill would update definitions in the Act; adding notice of the Address Confidentiality Program, and providing a right to notice of placement in the state drug offender treatment program. The bill would also allow counties to retain all supervision fees they collect.

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